My Professional Music Origin Story:
I’m a dad, husband and attorney. At age 40, I decided to pursue my passion of sharing my message of love and healing as a professional recording artist and musician. I’ve had a chance to perform and record with some of the greats in reggae and Gospel music. I’ve also experienced the challenges and disappointments of being an emerging artist.
I am a storyteller and I use music and the arts to inspire, encourage and deliver a powerful message of hope. My passion is connecting people to peace and healing, while navigating three worlds that rarely intersect: Faith, Arts and Advocacy
Concert Performances
I play and present my music at clubs, music festivals, churches, conferences and private events. My music blends rhythmic styles including: acoustic, soul and reggae to provide an uplifting and engaging concert ambiance that can be enjoyed by music lovers of all ages. Wherever I perform my music, I present my full authentic self. I do not hide my passion, my faith or my advocacy from any audience.
Life Imitates Art
We become the images, thoughts and sounds that we regularly consume. In fact, most learning occurs when we hear, see and practice different things. Most of us have heard of dominant learning styles including: auditory, visual and tactile. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
Media and art are power tools in shaping the way others see us and the way we see ourselves. We are committed to providing images and art that highlights the positive contributions of Black people, specifically as a counterbalance to the overwhelmingly negative and disempowering portrayals across secular and religious media.
Life Music
I make life music that deals with three major themes: Relationships, Faith and Social Justice. My music is created to inspire, encourage and provide context to life in a world that can be cold, uncertain and disconnected. I am a Christ follower and that shapes my world view. Our society is being challenged to reckon with issues like racial reconciliation, food and healthcare insecurity, and disparities in education. I am led to be part of the solution and speak the truth on these issues. My art confronts these issues or at least provide an opportunity for conversation, through songs, stories and visual art.
Bodies of Work
I have recorded two studio albums, "All The Colors" and "The Story" and other singles. Click the artwork below to preview the album:
About Calloused Hands - Short Film for Story Of My Life
He is like every other fifth grader. He does his homework because he has to, and rides his bike because he loves to. Today is different.
After finding two pictures sent home from the battlefield by his grandfather almost 50 years ago, The Future - played by Omari Acie Banks - sets out to learn more about his family's history. The Future's passion inspires the family's Sage to do some exploring of his own.
A cinematic short film Directed by Jacob Roberson set to the original song "Story of My Life" by Olaide Banks. Shot on location in Houston, Texas at the Buffalo Soldier Museum.
"Calloused Hands" was an official selection and laureate at the Mid South Black Film Festival in Memphis, TN in February 2020.
Moonsplash 2023 - Anguilla
Olaide Banks and Corey Stoot at Moonsplash 2023.
Moonsplash 2023 - Anguilla
Dream Weekend: Mini Performance Documentary Moonsplash 2023
House On Fire
Official Short Film Music Video
House On Fire featuring Corey Stoot
House on Fire title was inspired by a quote attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King, as told to Harry Belafonte. Shortly before his death, Dr. King is reported to have said, “I fear that may be assimilating my people into a burning house.”
House On Fire was released late Summer 2020 and the first song by Olaide Banks to receive national radio airplay and charting status.
The Story: Calloused Hands